A Support Group to Help You Pray Your Way Through the NICU

The NICU can be a lonely place. I remember spending some 12 hours of my day within the four walls of our tiny hospital room. The room was quiet with the exception of the beeping monitors connected to my son and the rhythmic pumping vents and sporadic alarms coming from the hallway. I felt disconnected from the outside world. The few times I ventured outside the hospital or out of the Ronald McDonald House, I struggled to wrap my head around the fact that not everyone was living in survival mode. Not everyone was living in the high-stress, roller-coaster state of the NICU and wondering if their child would survive.
I remember craving community and fellowship. I remember longingly looking at the mother across the hallway, someone within reach who understood exactly what I was going through. I remember making eye contact with the mothers as I passed their rooms en route to my own. I remember the tired faces. The grief-stricken faces. The fearful faces. The I-need-to-be-brave faces. I wanted so much to talk with them, to ask about their precious babies and how I could pray for them. But the NICU had a way of being an isolating place where each of us was so caught up in our own, present circumstances we often couldn’t pull ourselves away to engage with others, even if our souls desperately needed it.
Six months after our discharge I finally felt like I had a handle on things and that I had recovered from the trauma of our NICU experience. I felt healed, whole, and like God was calling me to walk alongside other moms journeying through the NICU. So I created the blog Hope in the unexpected© and began writing about our painful experience, focusing on the hope and encouragement found in Christ.
And two months later, the Lord put another task on my heart—create a faith-filled community for these women. I felt him whisper to me what this group would be.
Create a place where you can come together and feel seen, heard, and loved.
Create a place where together you can lift your requests to me.
Create a place where you can watch me do miracles and wonders.
Create a place where you can grow in your faith together.
Create a place where gratitude and compassion are cultivated and hearts are changed.
Create a place where together you will praise me, even in the storm.
With a few clicks of the keyboard and the faith that He would grow it into what He wanted it to be, I created “Praying Your Way Through the NICU.”
And from the very beginning, I have watched Him deliver. I have watched Him lead women to our group who are in desperate need of community and prayer. I have watched Him connect strangers and cultivate beautiful, blossoming friendships. I have watched Him answer our prayers—defying the odds by healing babies and performing miracles. I have watched His love for us overflow onto one another as we compassionately come together in this difficult season. I have watched His victorious spirit shine brilliantly from within us as together we look fear in the face and boldly proclaim our faith in Him. Yes, from the very beginning, I have watched Him deliver.
But don’t take my word for it, see what group members are saying.
“It means more than I can explain that complete strangers come together to pray for my sweet baby.” –anonymous
“This group is biblically-based. To me, that’s the best hope and support anyone can give during a rough season because it’s a hope that never fails.” –Vanessa W.
“This group is prayer-based, not information-based. While we do come together over shared difficulties—that is not the focus. The focus is praying together during the struggles. The focus is walking together and growing together with Christ at the center of our shared NICU experience.” –Renee E.
If you or someone you know is walking through the difficult NICU season, you are not alone. Join our online community.
Support this online community and ministry by purchasing Prays Well With Others apparel. Adult unisex t-shirts, women's tanks, youth tees, and a hoodie are available! All profits will be used to shower the mothers of this group with the love of Jesus through the purchase of Christian resources and encouragement.