Day 5: “She gave birth to her firstborn, a son.”
BLOG SERIES: The Birth of Jesus—Obedience leads to Blessings
My firstborn son was born naturally in the comfort of our home. Worship music played over the Bluetooth speakers as the flames of the candles flickered and danced. While I was in pain as the baby approached, my heart was at peace. I was eager to meet the life that had been growing inside me for the past 42 weeks. And when he came out in one final push and I pulled him out of the water and into my arms, I felt an indescribable joy.
I wonder how Mary’s experience compared to mine. I imagine that Mary’s pure heart could find contentment in virtually any circumstance. I imagine she managed to find comfort in the privacy of the stable. I imagine she found peace in the stillness, peace in the radiant glow of the bright, glorious star above. I imagine she found strength in knowing His plan was being accomplished. And I imagine that when she held her precious baby, the Son of God, in her arms that she was in complete and utter awe. I imagine this was a blessed moment, one she had never dreamed of and yet a moment she would never forget.

In the coming 9 days, we will see how those involved in God’s great plan were blessed for their obedience, just as we are blessed by it today.