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Day 6: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”

BLOG SERIES: The Birth of Jesus—Obedience leads to Blessings

Up until this point, Mary and Joseph have pretty much been the main characters in the story. Their actions required obedience. Mary was obedient to the call to serve as a vessel to carry the Son of God. Joseph was obedient to take Mary as his wife even though she was pregnant. Both Mary and Joseph were obedient to make the trek to Bethlehem. Mary was obedient to deliver the precious Savior of the World.

In today’s reading, we learn how these acts of obedience lead to the appearance of an angel speaking of good news and great joy for all the people. ALL THE PEOPLE. Think about that for a second. The acts of obedience of 2 people blessed all the people—you and I included, thousands of years later! Talk about multiplication. We thought the stories of Jesus feeding the thousands were miraculous! Here, God uses the obedience of one couple to bring forth the Messiah who brought with Him Good news that would bring great joy and salvation for all the people who believe in Him.

Aren’t you grateful for Mary and Joseph’s obedience?

In the coming 8 days, as we continue to read the story of Jesus’s birth, let’s keep our eyes open to the acts of obedience and the blessings that followed.


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