If I Had it My Way: Pursuing Christ

If I had it my way,
the entire house would be quiet,
except for the worship music playing softly in the background.
If I had it my way,
I’d be seated at my desk with a warm cup of coffee,
study Bibles open, highlighters and pens ready.
If I had it my way,
my time would be without parameter,
giving me all the time to leisurely read and reread the verses in different translations.
If I had it my way,
I’d be so deep in His Word that it would come alive
providing me with new revelation and insight.
But the truth is, in this season of life, I so rarely have it my way.
Instead, my house teams with life.
One child sits in his pack and play, finding his voice, babbling “dada” incessantly.
Another happily plays with dolls in her room, her voice carrying down the hall.
And the oldest sits at the table, obediently reciting her multiplication tables.
My time with God is often interrupted,
interrupted by
a baby that needs soothing,
a diaper that needs changing,
a mouth that needs feeding,
a work of art that needs praising,
or a question that just can’t be answered by anyone other than mom.
And although it isn’t the way I planned, it's okay.
It's okay
because I know
He is my Source.
He is my Living Water.
He is The One who fills me.
He is The One who sustains me.
While there may be interruptions on my way to Him,
they will not prevent me from relentlessly pursuing Him.
While I may put down my jug seven times,
I’ll pick it back up seventy-seven times seven;
For I know He is The Well where the water never runs dry.
Pieces of Jessika©