You Were There

All those years I searched for my worth in others,
You were there.
You were there lovingly looking on,
softly whispering of my worth to You.
You were there patiently extending Your hand to me,
inviting me to walk with You.
Waiting without judgment,
and loving me all the same.
All the times my heart was breaking,
You were there.
You were there lovingly looking on,
wrapping Your arms around me,
holding me and catching every tear.
You were there patiently extending Your hand to me,
Inviting me to walk with You.
Waiting without judgment,
and loving me all the same.
I know with confidence,
that in each and every valley of my life,
in each of the moments I felt completely alone,
You never once left my side.
You sat in my mess with me,
faithful and true.
Yes, in each and every moment,
there was Jesus.
Pieces of Jessika©